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Archive for May, 2014

Angelica Tomorrow #1 is here!

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014


Angelica Tomorrow is my first creator-owned comic.  Artist Allen Byrns and I created this story and we own it, and now we want you to read it.  So go do that. It only costs $1.99 so the risk to your happiness is minimal.  Right now the first issue is available digitally from Comixology.  When the six-issue run is finished, we’ll be putting out a trade paperback.

It’s a classic tale of teenage, paraplegic alcoholic meets amnesiac cyborg assassin! Three years ago, George Williams life changed forever when a car accident left him paralyzed below the waist. Now, everything will change again after a nighttime encounter with deadly stranger who possesses incredible powers she cannot recall or understand. Only George knows that beneath the shell of the sweet and naïve girl lies a monster, but which is the real Angelica, and how long can George keep the killer hidden way? Pursued by ruthless spies, and a police officer seeking revenge, George and Angelica will find themselves tested in ways they never imagined.

I’m in the process of getting doing some updating on the web page so if you want information on my next novel, The Day of Atonement, which will be out in September, click here. 


THE DAY OF ATONEMENT: Coming this September

Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

In 1745 the Portuguese  Inquisition came for Sebastião Raposa’s parents.  While his mother and father died in the prisons beneath the Palace of the Inquisition, young Sebastião was smuggled out of Portugal.  Now, ten years later, he returns to the city he hates, disguised as an English merchant, with one purpose in mind: find the priest who destroyed his parents and exact vengeance.  But Sebastian Foxx will learn that Lisbon is no less treacherous than when he left, and soon he is embroiled in schemes plotted by friends and enemies alike — and it will become increasingly difficult to tell the difference.

Pre-order now. It’s what the cool kids are doing. 


Barnes & Noble 


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