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At the newsstand, I couldn’t decide between this and Commentary.

At the newsstand, I couldn’t decide between this and Commentary.

For those of you who’ve already purchased the latest Fangoria (issue 290!) but not yet had a chance to read it, let me point you toward the book reviews where there is a very nice piece on the forthcoming zombie anthology, The New Dead, in which I have a piece called “What Maisie Knew” – in no way based on the Henry James zombie novel of the same title.  In his insightful review, Samuel Zimmerman praises the collection as a whole, but also reserves some of his kindest words for my piece:

“Warranting special mention is Liss’ “What Maisie Knew,” whose narrator falls deep into a world of zombie fetishism while trying to hide his one shameful secret.  It’s a special tale with plenty to say about human interaction, guilt and the strikingly similar consequences of both sex an pain.”

This last point is not a connection I was especially looking to draw.  If anything, the story wants to draw a link between pain and saying, “ouch,” but every reader will take away his or her own conclusions.

Fifth ServantThe only conclusion to take away from Kenneth Wishnia’s new novel, The Fifth Servant, is that it rocks.  It’s just out today, so pick it up at a book store or streaming e-book portal near you.  I’ve always dug Wishnia’s writing, but his first entry into the rarified and mysterious world of historical fiction is his best effort yet.  This thriller, about a rabbi in 16th century Prague attempting to solve the murder of a Christian child, before the twitchy gentiles lower the boom, is not only compelling and exciting, but it is historical fiction done exactly right.  Great stuff.

And I invite you to enjoy the cover art for the paperback version of The Devil’s Company, out April 26th.  They’ve completely reworked the cover, and I like the results.  What about you?  Is this better than the hardcover, worse, or no significant difference?  You know how much I value the opinion of anonymous people on the interent.  But, since the art is already set, if you don’t like it, keep your opinions to yourself.  I am very sensitive. 


4 Responses to “”

  1. Naomi says:

    just finished The Devil’s Company….very engaging and good read. Thank you very much. This new cover feels better and I like it better.

  2. Rovi Scolari says:

    I think that this new cover is really excellent.

  3. The cover is powerful — one person walking alone with the “Devil” on his back conveys two meanings: Evil only needs one convert to spread horror, but good can make a stand with just one hero. Which side will this man take?

  4. kit holdzkon says:

    Having just finished reading your very satisfying THE DEVIL’S COMPANY, I actually made a point of showing the cover to my wife because I found it so haunting. You’ve got a couple enjoying the moment but are headed into the dark of the night with a man lurking in the foreground and horsemen or a carriage bearing down on them. The new cover is visually appealing but not as mysterious.

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